On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 10:23 AM Keyvan M. Sadeghi
<keyvan.m.sade...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm thinking of a solution Re: free speech
> https://github.com/keyvan-m-sadeghi/volume-buttons
> Wrote this piece but initial feedback from a few friends is that the text is 
> too top down.
> Feedback is much appreciated 🤗

All social media lets you upvote or downvote posts and comments and
then use that information to decide what to show you and others. The
problem is that AI can do this a lot faster than humans, as you
demonstrated using Copilot. The problem with finer grades of
like/dislike is that it slows down humans another half a second, which
adds up over thousands of times per day.

In my 2008 distributed AGI proposal (
https://mattmahoney.net/agi2.html ) I described a hostile peer to peer
network where information has negative value and people (and AI)
compete for attention. My focus was on distributing storage and
computation in a scalable way, roughly O(n log n). Social media at the
time was mostly Usenet and mailing lists, so I did not give much
thought to censorship. This was after China's Great Firewall (1998),
but before the 2010 Arab Spring. Now the rest of the world is
following China's lead. China already requires you to prove your
identity to get a social media account, making it impossible to post
anonymously. In the US, both parties want age restrictions on social
media, which will have the same effect because you can't prove your
age without an ID.

> On Wed, Mar 27, 2024, 2:42 PM John Rose <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:
>> On Monday, March 25, 2024, at 5:18 AM, stefan.reich.maker.of.eye wrote:
>>> On Saturday, March 23, 2024, at 11:10 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote:
>>>> Also I have been eating foods containing DNA every day of my life without 
>>>> any bad effects.
>>> Why would that have bad effects?
>> That used to not be an issue. Now they are mRNA jabbing farm animals and 
>> putting nano dust in the food. The control freaks think they have the right 
>> to see out of your eyes… and you’re just a rented meatsuit.
>> We need to understand what this potential rogue unfriendly looks like. It 
>> started out embedded with dumbed down humans mooch leeching on it…. like a 
>> big queen ant.

I had a neighbor who believed all kinds of crazy conspiracy theories.
He had a bomb shelter stocked with canned food and was prepared for
the apocalypse. Just not for a heart attack.

We have a fairly good understanding of biological self replicators and
how to prime the immune systems of humans and farm animals to fight
them. But how to fight misinformation?

Flat Earthers, including the majority who secretly know the world is
round, have a more important message. How do you know what is true?
You have never been to space to see the Earth, so how do you know?
Everything you know is either through your own senses or what other
people have told you is true. But people can lie and your senses can
lie. (For example, your senses tell you that you are conscious and
have free will). When given a choice, you trust emotions over logic.
Given conflicting evidence, we believe whatever confirms what we
already believe, no matter how unlikely, and reject the rest. We can't
help it. The human brain has a cognitive memory rate limit of 5 to 10
bits per second. Deeply held beliefs about religion or politics
represent 10^7 to 10^8 bits, and cannot be refuted by logical
arguments of a few hundred bits. We want to be rational, but we can't
be. It takes years of indoctrination.

So the question is how to hold your attention for hours every day for
years? Shakespeare figured out that people will pay to be angry or
afraid. Since then, the formula for dramas has been used for centuries
in theatres, movies, radio, TV, and Youtube. News is especially
effective because it is real, not fiction. Both the left and the right
have figured out how to keep their stations on for hours with true but
cherry picked news events. AI will make it vastly cheaper to buy

-- Matt Mahoney, mattmahone...@gmail.com

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