Hi Pablo,

What you are talking about in the abstract is Solomonoff Induction.

The standard book:  

Title: Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications, 2E
   By: Li and Vitanyi
  Pub: Springer-Verlag

A "universal sequence predictor" is the algorithm you are looking for,
which as you correctly surmised is an integral part of statistical
compression engines.  There are difficulties with what you want to do,
which I will let you discover on your own (its educational). :-)


-James Rogers

On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 18:33, Pablo wrote:
> I'm looking for information about "pattern induction" or "general
> patterns" or anything that sounds like that... 
> What I want to do is, having a stream of data, predict what may come.
> (yes, and then take over the world... sorry if it sounds like Pinky and
> The Brain!!!!!!!!!!)
> I guess general patterns induction is related to data compression,
> because if we find a pattern in a string, then we don't have to write
> all the characters every time the pattern appears. Surely someone has
> already been working on that (who?)
> Anyone would please give me a clue? Is there any book I should read?? Is
> there any book like "AI basics", "introduction to AI", or "AI for
> dummies" that may help before?

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