On 12/9/02 7:33 PM, "Pablo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If Solomonoff is powerful enough, I hope it "realizes" by itself that
> data is grouped in "words" when it happens so - haha. I'm not working
> with human language, but who knows, maybe I'll get in a similar way -
> I'll tell you if that happens =)

Words will in fact become emergent entities using adaptations of this
construct with some time/training, and with even more time/training,
sentence structure will also start to emerge.  It doesn't even matter what
language you are using.  Interactive training isn't even necessary unless
you want to reduce the number of iterations.

I will warn you ahead of time though, that the real trick is the design of
the actual software.  All data structures/algorithms described in literature
thus far are naive and don't scale at all to even vaguely interesting levels
of complexity.  It can be done, but you'll have to do some original work to
make it viable. :-)

BTW, although the Li/Vitanyi book is expensive (I get all my Springer-Verlag
stuff for free), it is heavily referenced in other papers on the subject and
is designed as a graduate-level textbook, which makes it both accessible and
a good reference.  If you are serious about pursuing this line of thought,
it is about as good a book as you'll find on that area of mathematics.  It
isn't deeply speculative, but it gives you the foundations for everything
you'll need to know so that YOU can be deeply speculative. ;-)  I don't use
my copy much any more, but it is a good bible to have around.


-James Rogers

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