Alan, thanks for the support!!! Your kind words really encourage me on
my work =) From now I'll say "pattern discovery"

James: I've just placed an order for that book at amazon =) I'll se what
I can get from it (I hope a lot, because the book is quite expensive!!)

Gary: your book looks interesting too, but I feel the "Solomonoff" thing
seems more generic. I'll try your book after that one.

> Your project probably involves doing the prediction on a character
rather > than a word basis but if you happen to be thinking along the
line of words > instead of characters, I would be interested in hearing
more about your
> work.

If Solomonoff is powerful enough, I hope it "realizes" by itself that
data is grouped in "words" when it happens so - haha. I'm not working
with human language, but who knows, maybe I'll get in a similar way -
I'll tell you if that happens =)

Cliff: what you told us about the languages was quite interesting.
Unfortunately for me, Trigrams is a given pattern; and what I want is
the machine to discover patterns by itself. Anyway it's a good approach.
It's always good to have handy simple tools when everything gets

Thank you all again

Kind Regards
Pablo Carbonell

-----Mensaje original-----
de Alan Grimes
Enviado el: Lunes, 09 de Diciembre de 2002 02:56 a.m.
Asunto: Re: [agi] general patterns induction


You have just earned a spot in my list of the world's top-ten AI

Compared to the NLPers, you are the one who is _REALLY_ working on AI. I
don't know what the NLPer's are smoking but you are on the right track.

I generally frown on the term "pattern recognition" but, perhaps,
pattern discovery would work...

I wrote an article on my thinking on this reciently that I would have to
dig out of the archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED] to send you. 

Please consider me at your disposal for any additional help on the

There are no books on the subject, you are writing your own... Welcome
to the cutting edge! =)

Pablo wrote:
> I'm looking for information about "pattern induction" or "general
> patterns" or anything that sounds like that...
> What I want to do is, having a stream of data, predict what may come.
> (yes, and then take over the world... sorry if it sounds like Pinky
> The Brain!!!!!!!!!!)
> I guess general patterns induction is related to data compression,
> because if we find a pattern in a string, then we don't have to write
> all the characters every time the pattern appears. Surely someone has
> already been working on that (who?)
> Anyone would please give me a clue? Is there any book I should read??
> there any book like "AI basics", "introduction to AI", or "AI for
> dummies" that may help before?
> Thanks a lot!
> Pablo Carbonell
> PS: thanks Ben, Kevin and Eliezer for the previous help
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