> The whole story of Novamente motivations is complicated, and summarizing it
> optimally in general nontechnical terms would take some real thought...
> Here is a brief attempt though...

Thanks, very interesting.

> Specific GoalNodes that we plan to include initially include a "seek reward"
> goal like AIXI's (our initial teaching interface, recently coded but not to
> be in serious use for a while, has a reward/punishment slider), a goal for
> maximizing perceived human happiness, a goal for seeking novelty, and a goal
> for learning a lot.  Plenty of more specific ideas for initial GoalNodes
> have been tossed around, but we're not experimenting with this stuff yet.
> In the Webmind AI system, we had slightly different GoalNodes, and did
> experiment with them some.

Are the current configurations of the initial state of Novamente proprietary?  If you 
don't mind indulging my curiosity, I'd be curious to see how you define large scale 
goals of this sort within the context of Novamente.


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