>  I don't have a good argument on this point, just an intuition, based
> on the fact that generally speaking in narrow AI, inductive learning
> based rules based on a very broad range of experience, are much more
> robust than expert-encoded rules.  The key is a broad range of
> experience, otherwise inductive learning can indeed lead to rules that
> are "overfit" to their training situations and don't generalize well
> to fundamentally novel situations.
I've played around with expert systems years ago (I designed one to interpret a legal framework I was working on) and I'm familiar with the notion of inductive learning - using computers to generate algorithms representing patterns in large data sets.  And I can see why the fuzzier system might be more robust in the face of partial novely.

But I'm not proposing that AGIs rely only on pre-wired ethical drivers - a major program of experience-based learning would also be needed - just as you are planning.

And in any case I didn't propose that the modicum of hard-wiring take the form a deductive 'expert system'-style rule-base.  That would be very inflexible as the sole basis for ethical judgement formation (and in any case the AGI itself would be capable of developing very good deductive rule-bases and inductive expert system 'rule' bases without the need for these to be preloaded).

> If there need to be multiple Novamentes (not clear -- one might be
> enough), they could be produced through "cloning" rather than raising
> each one from scratch.

Ok - I hadn't thought of cloning as a way to avoid having to directly train every Novamente.

But the idea of having just one Novamente seems somewhat unrealistic and quite risky to me. 

If the Novamente design is going to enable boostraping as you plan then your one Novamente is going to end up being very powerful. If you try to be the gatekeeper to this one powerful AGI then (a) the rest of the world will end up considering your organisation as worse than Microsoft and many of your clients are not going to want to be held to ranson by being dependent on your one AGI for their mission critical work and (b) the one super-Novamente might develop ideas if it own that might not include you or anyone else being the gatekeeper.

The idea of one super-Novamente is also dangerous because this one AGI will develop its own perspecitive on things and given its growing power that perpective or bias could become very dangerous for any one or anything that didn't fit in with that perspective.

I think an AGI needs other AGIs to relate to as a community so that a community of leaning develops with multiple perspectives available. This I think is the only way that the accelerating bootstraping of AGIs can be handled with any possibility of being safe.

> The engineering/teaching of ethics in an AI system is pretty different
> from its evolution in natural systems...

Of course.  But that is not to say that there is nothing to be learned from evolution about the value of building in ethics in creatures that are very intelligent and very powerful.

You didn't respond to one part of my last message:

> Philip: So why not proceed to develop Novamentes down two different
> paths simultaneously - the path you have already designed - where
> experience-based learning is virtually the only strategy, and a variant
> where some Novamentes have a modicum of carefully designed pre-wiring
> for ethics.........
(coupled with a major program of experience-based learning)? 

On reflection I can well imagine that you are not ready to make any commitment to my suggestion to give the dual (simultaneous) development path approach a go.  But would you be prepared to explore the possibility of dual (simultaneous) development path approach?  I think there would be much to be learned from at least examining the dual approach prior to making any commitment.

What do you think?

Cheers, Philip

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