On 11/4/06, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I of course don't think that SHRDLU vs. AGISim is a fair comparison.

Agreed. SHRDLU didn't even try to solve the real problems - for the simple and sufficient reason that it was impossible to make a credible attempt at such on the hardware of the day. AGISim (if I understand it correctly) does. Oh, I'm sure the current implementation makes fatal compromises to fit on today's hardware - but the concept doesn't have an _inherent_ plateau the way SHRDLU did, so it leaves room for later upgrade. It's headed in the right compass direction.

And, deciding which AGI is smarter is not important either -- no more
important than deciding whether Ben, Matt or Pei is smarter.  Who

Agreed. In practice the market will decide: which system ends up doing useful things in the real world, and therefore getting used? Academic judgements of which is smarter are, well, academic.

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