----- Original Message ----- 
From: "rooftop8000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <agi@v2.listbox.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] My proposal for an AGI agenda
> I think we should somehow allow people to use all the program languages
they want.

My proposal certainly allows that.  If sockets and some form of standard
English is used to communicate between the different systems, then any
language should work.  If you want to directly use major chunks of code that
others have written within a whole set of your own code, then you will have
to have compatible interfaces and work from a common language (whether that
is mine or not.)

> Why should people learn another language if they can code their ideas in a
language they already
> know? (Not all modules have to introspective or fast to be useful). If
modules can have different
> representations, why not allow different code too.

If the language they know has the requisite tools, then by all means use it.
I found no current language with the proper set of tools.  All AGI that
can't access, analyze, and change it's own code doesn't have much chance of
reaching AGI level IMO.  Fast is a no brainer.  No matter how many CPUs you
have or how fast they go, speed has always mattered and always will.  Slow
is only better than fast when the slow works and the fast doesn't.

> A nice test for a collaboration framework is: how fast can you incorporate
> algorithms? In your case it will be very slow because
> 0. developing your system from scratch so it wont be perfect right away
> 1. people have to learn a new language 2. translating the code into a
> other that the ones it is designed in usually make it worse/less elegant.

Point 0 is well taken as I know it won't be perfect right away as well.  My
language, although powerful, has very simple syntax.  Anyone who knows
another language could program in mine immediately.  Useful code by the next

The proverbial "hello world" looks like this.

? 'Hello world'

> Why not use the communication that is easiest for the modules?
> If you have a NN module, let it output numbers; logic modules can output
> You just have to make translation modules when necessary.

Why not put an English language front end on all major modules and have
interfacing objects negotiate the interface themselves?  My objective is to
eventually eliminate the programmer from doing any coding at all.  Hopefully
by then, the AGI will be able to program itself with much higher accuracy
and speed than any human could.  The goal of most human coding in my vision
of an AGI is to create programs that generate programs.

-- David Clark

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