Ben Goertzel wrote:

> My PhD is in math and I used to be a math prof, but I have 
> found no opportunity yet to use really advanced math in AI

My B.A. is in Latin and Greek and I used to be a teacher of 
Latin and German. In Mentifex AI, I use very little math and 
tons of linguistics. A brief progress report follows now. 

Earlier last week I finally got some true AI thinking with in MSIE JavaScript.

By "true AI thinking" I mean that the Mind.html AI was able 
to respond correctly to simple knowledge-base queries. 
Prior to my work of 20 March 2007, the AI Mind would always 
veer off into spurious associations of spewing gibberish. 

Now for the first time I fully understand the broad outlines 
of the function of my own AI software, whereas previously 
the AI would malfunction but I did not know what was wrong. 

To tie this progress report in with recent discussion on 
the AGI mail list, I would like to report that the AI Mind 
may seem to do what a database could do, but uses arrays 
of associative memory instead of a database, and uses 
"spreading activation" (q.v.) to propagate spikes of 
excitation from concept to concept and from a linguistic 
superstructure down into the building blocks of thought -- 
nouns as a class; verbs as a class; other parts of speech. 

Mentifex AI is neuroscience and not evolution. The AI Mind 
has always been based on what I could learn over years of 
independent scholarship in the study of neuroscience. See for my AI theory.

It is time for evolution to take over from neuroscience. 
Just before composing this post, I checked the user logs 
of the last one hundred visits to my AI project and saw 
the following instances of Netizens downloading the AI:

C:/Documents and Settings/cazub/Desktop/Mind.html 
C:/Documents and Settings/Lucian_Twilight/My 
C:/WINDOWS/Desktop/Abhi's Fun Stuff!!/NLP/Mind.html 

Prior to last week Mentifex AI sported a large user base 
of _malfunctioning_ AI. From now on, there is a basic, 
solid functionality which I may hope only to improve 
and not to worsen. Even if my own future coding efforts 
take a wrong direction and render the AI Mind inferior, 
the current diaspora of working code may take root in 
the environment of other AI programmers who surpass me. 

I feel psychological pressure to code Mind.Forth because is where Frank J. Russo has devoted 
a new Web domain to his re-implementation of my Forth AI. 

Before I resume Mind.Forth coding (critiqued by the way in ACM SIGPLAN 1998; and ACM SIGPLAN 2004), 
Mind.html needs further tweaking and fine-tuning, so that 
the AI will not only think a single thought in response 
to user input but will exhaustively think through all 
the thoughts lodged in its associative knowledge base.
Then in Mind.Forth I will aim for machine reasoning. 

Respectfully submitted, 

A.T. Murray

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