On 6/2/07, Russell Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robbing a bank is morally unjustified because it takes away wealth from
people who are entitled to the wealth *legitimately*.

And extorting money by software patents is morally unjustified for the
same reason: it takes away wealth from people (the authors of software) who
are entitled to it legitimately.
> Your criticism of patents is based on the fact that it may be negative
to some people.  But your ideal of not doing *anything* negative to *anyone*
is unrealistic

I do not have an ideal of not doing anything negative to anyone - I
believe in the use of armed force in self-defense for example. What I do not
believe in is unprovoked aggression.

But why do you accept the right of the authors of software to make
money, yet deny the right of intellectual workers who create intellectual
capital (such as *novel* algorithms that are *non-obvious*)?


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