Answer in this case: (1) such elemental things as protection from diseases could always be engineered so as not to involve painful injections (we are assuming superintelligent AGI, after all),

:-) First of all, I'm not willing to concede an AGI superintelligent enough to solve all the world's problems that quickly (and the pain of an injection is such a small problem that it should be WAY down on the list).

even supposing that the AGI really was the ward of a child (extremely unusual: there would be people available)

But isn't your super-intelligent AGI possibly better qualified?    :-)

where this would happen, given the existence of nanotech), THEN under those hypothetical circumstances we would be dealing with a situation where the amount of hurt was negligible and is currently agreed by the vast majority of human beings to be appropriate for a person/child who is in chancery.

So the opinion of the majority (and presumably the law) is factored in . . . .

So what about circumcision? How would your AGI rule on that? Or, better yet, how about abortion?

When answering these, please assume also that the AGI's *opinion* matters even if it can't/doesn't immediately take action since eventually it will be able to influence people or even possibly vote.

Really, we are only talking about cases where the AGI feels tempted to treat adult humans as if they were children (not about actual children).

I have that temptation all the time as does society. I don't act on it but society certainly does (mostly in incredibly stupid and ineffective ways).

I suggest we confine ourselves to those cases, simply because otherwise we are trying to solve the regular dilemmas that parents face, as if those dilemmas were somehow a special problem of the AGI. Makes sense?

No, it doesn't make sense to ignore "regular dilemmas". "Regular dilemmas" are *exactly* what the AGI is going to be confronted with most often. I would argue that the "regular dilemmas" are precisely the best test cases since they are so ordinary to everyday life.

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