Interesting background about on some thermodynamics history J.


But basic definitions of intelligence, not talking about reinventing
particle physics here, a basic, workable definition, not rigorous
mathematical proof just something simple. AI, AGI c'mon not asking for tooo
much. In my mind it is not looking that sophisticated at the atomic level
and it seems like it is VERY applicable for implementation if not required
for testing. Though Hutter and Legg are apparently working diligently on
this stuff and have a lot papers.





I largely agree. It's worth pointing out that Carnot published "Reflections
the Motive Power of Fire" and established the science of thermodynamics more
than a century after the first working steam engines were built.

That said, I opine that an intuitive grasp of some of the important elements

in what will ultimately become the science of intelligence is likely to be
very useful to those inventing AGI. 

Yeah, most certainly....  However, an intuitive grasp -- and even a
qualitative theory supplemented by heuristic back-of-the-envelope
and prototype results -- is very different from a defensible, rigorous
theory that
can stand up to the assaults of intelligent detractors.... 

I didn't start seriously trying to design & implement AGI until I felt I had
a solid
intuitive grasp of all related issues.  But I did make a conscious choice to
more effort to utilizing my intuitive grasp to try to design and create AGI,

rather than to creating better general AI theories....  Both are worthy
and both are difficult.  I actually enjoy theory better.  But my sense is
that the
heyday of AGI theorizing is gonna come after AGI experimentation has
a good bit further than it has today...

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