There are different routes to AGI.  


"Development is a very expensive and time-consuming way to find out what we
don't know."


Knowing what we are trying to create could potentially help to find easier
ways of creating it. Could there be an easier way? Maybe a self-modifying
codebase that takes a few months and then you just let it run and feed it
resources? As a software developer I'm always looking for EASY. Though
sometimes it cannot be found and you have to go with a concrete design -
which Novamente does seem to be that.





From: Benjamin Goertzel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Just to reiterate my opinion: I think all this theorizing about definitions
and tests and so forth is interesting, but not necessary at all for the
creation of AGI.  Any more than, say, the philosophy of quantum mechanics 
is necessary for building lasers or semiconductors or SQUIDS.

Of course philosophical and conceptual work can be instrumental in guiding
practical work ... but my strong feeling is that we can progress straight to

powerful AGI right now without first having to do anything like

-- define a useful, rigorous definition of intelligence
-- define a pragmatic IQ test for AGI's 


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