Edward W. Porter wrote:
Richard Loosemore wrote in a Sun 11/11/2007 11:09 PM post

RICHARD####> You are right. I have only spent about 25 years working on
problem.  Perhaps, no matter how bright I am, this is not enough to
understand Novamente's promise.

ED####> There a many people who have spent 25 years working on AI who have not spent the time to try to understand the multiple threads that make up the Novamente approach. From the one paper I read from you, as I remember it, your major approach to AI was based on a concept of complexity in which it was hard-for-humans-to-understand the relationship between the lower level of the system and the higher level functions you presumably want it to have. This is very different than the Novamente approach, which involves complexity, but not so much at an architectural level, but rather at the level of what will emerge in the self-organizing gen/comp network of patterns and behaviors that architecture is designed to grow, all under the constant watchful eye -- and selective weeding and watering -- of its goal and reward systems. As I understand it, the complexity in Novamente is much more like that in an economy in which semi-rational actors struggle to find and make a niche at which they can make a living, than the somewhat more anarchical complexity in the cellular automata Game Of Life.

I am sorry, but this is a rather enormous misunderstanding of the claim I made. Too extensive for me to be able to deal with in a list post.

So perhaps you are like most people who have spent a career in AI, in that the deep learning you have obtained has not spend enough time thinking about the pieces of Novamente-like approaches. But it is almost certain that that 25 years worth of knowledge would make it much easier for you to understand Novamente-like approach than all but a very small percent of this planet/s people, if you really wanted to.

>ED####> I am sure you are smart enough to understand its promise if
you wanted to.  Do you?

RICHARD####> I did want to.

I did.

I do.

ED####> Great. If you really do, I would start reading the papers at ___http://www.novamente.net/papers/_. Perhaps Ben could give you a better reading list than I.

I don’t know about you, Richard, but given my mental limitations, I often find I have to read some parts of paper 2 to 10 times to understand them. Usually much is unsaid in most papers, even the well written ones. You often have to spend time filling in the blanks and trying to imagine how what its describing would actually work. Much of my understanding of the Novamente approach not only comes from a broad range of reading and attending lectures in AI, micro-electronic, and brain science, but also a lot of thinking about what I have read and heard from other, and about what I have observed over decades of my own thought processes.

There is a fundamental misunderstanding here, Ed. I read all of the Novamente papers a couple of years ago. My own thinking had already gone to that point and (in my opinion) well beyond it.

You are implying that perhaps I do not understand it well enough. I understand it, understand a very wide range of issues that surround it, and also understand what i see as some serious limitations (some of which are encapsulated in my complexity paper).

Thanks for your concern, but understanding the Novamente approach is not my problem.

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