Well, I'm not sure if "not doing logic" necessarily means a system is irrational, i.e if rationality equates to logic. Any system consistently followed can classify as rational. If for example, a program consistently does Freudian free association and produces nothing but a chain of associations with some connection:

"bird - - feathers - four..tops "

or on the contrary, a 'nonsense' chain where there is NO connection..

logic.. sex... ralph .. essence... pi... Loosemore...

then it is rational - it consistently follows a system with a set of rules. And the rules could, for argument's sake, specify that every step is illogical - as in breaking established rules of logic - or that steps are alternately logical and illogical. That too would be rational. Neural nets from the little I know are also rational inasmuch as they follow rules. Ditto Hofstadter & Johnson-Laird from again the little I know also seem rational - Johnson-Laird's jazz improvisation program from my cursory reading seemed rational and not truly creative.

I do not know enough to pass judgment on your system, but you do strike me as a rational kind of guy (although probably philosophically much closer to me than most here as you seem to indicate). Your attitude to emotions seems to me rational, and your belief that you can produce an AGI that will almost definitely be cooperative , also bespeaks rationality.

In the final analysis, irrationality = creativity (although I'm using the word with a small "c", rather than the social kind, where someone produces a new idea that no one in society has had or published before). If a system can change its approach and rules of reasoning at literally any step of problem-solving, then it is truly "crazy"/ irrational (think of a crazy path). And it will be capable of producing all the human irrationalities that I listed previously - like not even defining or answering the problem. It will by the same token have the capacity to be truly creative, because it will ipso facto be capable of lateral thinking at any step of problem-solving. Is your system capable of that? Or anything close? Somehow I doubt it, or you'd already be claiming the solution to both AGI and computational creativity.

But yes, please do send me your paper.

P.S. I hope you won't - & I actually don't think - that you will get all pedantic on me like so many AI-ers & say "ah but we already have programs that can modify their rules." Yes, but they do that according to metarules - they are still basically rulebound. A crazy/ creative program is rulebreaking (and rulecreating) - can break ALL the rules, incl. metarules. Rulebound/rulebreaking is one of the most crucial differences between narrow AI/AGI.

Richard: In the same way computer programs are completely
neutral and can be used to build systems that are either rational or
irrational.  My system is not "rational" in that sense at all.


Out of interest, rather than pursuing the original argument:

1) Who are these programmers/ systembuilders who try to create programs (and what are the programs/ systems) that are either "irrational" or "non-rational" (and described as such)?

I'm a little partied out right now, so all I have time for is to suggest: Hofstadter's group builds all kinds of programs that do things without logic. Phil Johnson-Laird (and students) used to try to model reasoning ability using systems that did not do logic. All kinds of language processing people use various kinds of neural nets: see my earlier research papers with Gordon Brown et al, as well as folks like Mark Seidenberg, Kim Plunkett etc. Marslen-Wilson and Tyler used something called a "Cohort Model" to describe some aspects of language.

I am just dragging up the name of anyone who has ever done any kind of computer modelling of some aspect of cognition: all of these people do not use systems that do any kind of "logical" processing. I could go on indefinitely. There are probably hundreds of them. They do not try to build complete systems, of course, just local models.

When I have proposed (in different threads) that the mind is not rationally, algorithmically programmed I have been met with uniform and often fierce resistance both on this and another AI forum.

Hey, join the club! You have read my little brouhaha with Yudkowsky last year I presume? A lot of AI people have their heads up their asses, so yes, they believe that rationality is God.

It does depend how you put it though: sometimes you use rationality to not mean what they mean, so that might explain the ferocity.

My argument
re the philosophy of mind of cog sci & other sciences is of course not based on such reactions, but they do confirm my argument. And the position you at first appear to be adopting is unique both in my experience and my reading.

2) How is your system "not rational"? Does it not use algorithms?

It uses "dynamic relaxation" in a "generalized neural net". Too much to explain in a hurry.

And could you give a specific example or two of the kind of problem that it deals with - non-rationally? (BTW I don't think I've seen any problem examples for your system anywhere, period - for all I know, it could be designed to read children' stories, bomb Iraq, do syllogisms, work out your domestic budget, or work out the meaning of life - or play and develop in virtual worlds).

I am playing this close, for the time being, but I have released a small amount of it in a forthcoming neuroscience paper. I'll send it to you tomorrow if you like, but it does not go into a lot of detail.

Richard Loosemore

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