Richard: If someone asked that, I couldn't think of anything to say except ...
why *wouldn't* it be possible?  It would strike me as just not a
question that made any sense, to ask for the exact reasons why it is
possible to paint things that are not representational.

Jeez, Richard, of course, it's possible... we all agree that AGI is possible (well in my case, only with a body). The question is - how? !*? That's what we're here for - to have IDEAS.. rather than handwave... (see, I knew you would) this case, about how a program can be maximally adaptive - change course at any point

Okay here's my v.v. rough idea - the core two lines or principles of a much more complex program - for engaging in any activity, solving any problem - with maximum adaptivity

1. Choose any reasonable path - and any reasonable way to move along it - to the goal. [and then move]

["reasonable" = "likely to be as or more profitable than any of the other paths you have time to consider"]

2. If you have not yet reached the goal, and if you have not any other superior goals ["anything better to do"], choose any other reasonable path - and way of moving - that will lead you closer to the goal.

This presupposes what the human brain clearly has - the hierarchical ability to recognize literally ANYTHING as a "thing", "path", "way of moving"/ "move" or "goal". It can perceive literally anything from these multifunctional perspectives. This presupposes that something like these concepts are fundamental to the brain's operation.

This also presupposes what you might say are - roughly - the basic principles of neuroeconomics and decision theory - that the brain does and any adaptive brain must, continually assess every action for profitability - for its rewards, risks and costs.

[The big deal here is those two words "any" - and any path etc that is "as" profitable - those two words/ concepts give maximal freedom and adaptivity - and true freedom]

What we're talking about here BTW is when you think about it, a truly "universal program" for soving, and learning how to solve, literally any problem.

[Oh, there has to be a third line or clause - and a lot more too of course - that says: 1a. If you can't see any reasonable paths etc - look for some.]

So what are your ideas, Richard, here? Have you actually thought about it? Jeez, what do we pay you all this money for?

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