On 28/01/2008, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can take even external arbitrary program (say, a
> Turing machine that I can't check in general case), place it on a
> dedicated tape in UTM, and add control for termination, so that if it
> doesn't terminate in 10^6 tacts, it will be terminated by UTM that
> runs it.

Yes, you can just add a timeout.

> You can try checking out for example this paper (link from LtU
> discussion), which presents a rather powerful language for describing
> terminating programs:
> http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/2003
> Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_functional_programming

This seems to address the halting problem by ignoring it (the same
approach researchers often take to difficult problems in computer
vision).  For practical purposes timeouts or watchdogs are ok, but
they're just engineering workarounds rather than solutions.  In
practice biological intelligence also uses the same hacks, and I think
Turing himself pointed this out.

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