Mark, my point is that while in the past evolution did the choosing,
now it's *we* who decide,

But the *we* who is deciding was formed by evolution. Why do you do *anything*? I've heard that there are four basic goals that drive every decision: safety, feeling good, looking good, and being right. Do you make any decisions that aren't decided by one or more of those four?

Another question is that we might like to
change ourselves, to get rid of most of this baggage, but it doesn't
follow that in the limit we will become pure survival maximizers.

Actually, what must follow is that at the limit what will predominate are the survival and reproduction maximizers.

By the way, if we want to survive, but we change ourselves to this
end, *what* is it that we want to keep alive?

Exactly! What are our goals? I don't think that you're going to get (or even want) anything close to a common consensus about specific goals -- so what you want is the maximization of individual goals (freedom) without going contrary to the survival of society (the destruction of which would lead to reduced freedom).

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