On 14/02/2008, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Who knows what we might have achieved had that level of dedication actually
>  continued for 4-7 more years?

This kind of frustration is familiar to most inventors, and probably
most people on this list.  Likewise I'm pretty sure that if I had
access to more resources and maybe had a couple of assistants I could
make much faster progress on the problems I'd like to see resolved.

>  Our codebase had some problems, and some of our ideas at that point were
>  inadequately specified.  But we were moving in the right direction,
>  and my progress
>  since that point has been significantly slower due to having less than 1/10 
> the
>  team-size devoted to AGI.

Perhaps this is where the open source (opencog) approach can help,
although whether open or closed it's always hard to find people to
work on a project.

>  The real stupidity underlying that prediction I made, in early 2001,
>  was my naivete
>  in not realizing how suddenly the dot-com bubble was going to burst.

Even if you know better it's sometimes tricky to break from your
natural linear intuitions.  For most of human history guessing that
the next few years will be much like the last was a good heuristic.

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