On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 7:03 AM, YKY (Yan King Yin)
> On 2/15/08, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > To me, the following two questions are independent of each other:
> >
>  > *. What type of reasoning is needed for AI? The major answers are:
> > (A): deduction only, (B) multiple types, including deduction,
> > induction, abduction, analogy, etc.
> >
> > *. What type of knowledge should be reasoned upon? The major answers
>  > are: (1) declarative only, (2) declarative and procedural.
> >
> > All four combination of the two answers are possible. Cyc is mainly
> > A1; you seem to suggest A2; in NARS it is B2.
> My current approach is "B1".  I'm wondering what is your argument for
> including procedural knowledge, in addition to declarative?

You have mentioned the reason in the following: some important
knowledge is procedural by nature.

> There is the idea of "deductive planning" which allows us to plan actions
> using a solely declarative KB.  So procedural knowledge is not needed for
> acting.

I haven't seen any no trivial result supporting this claim.

> Also, if you include procedural knowledge, things may be learned doubly in
> your KB.  For example, you may learn some declarative knowledge about the
> concept of "reverse" and also procedural knowledge of how to reverse
> sequences.

The knowledge about "how to do ..." can either be in procedural form,
as "programs", or in declarative, as descriptions of the programs.
There is overlapping/redundancy information in the two, but very often
both are needed, and the redundancy is tolerated.

> Even worse, in some cases you may only have procedural knowledge, without
> anything declarative.  That'd be like the intelligence of a calculator,
> without true understanding of maths.

Yes, but that is exactly the reason to directly reasoning on
procedural knowledge, right?


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