Note that you are trying to use a technical term in a non-technical
way to "fight" a non-technical argument. Do you really think that I'm
asserting that virtual environment can be *exactly* as capable as
physical environment?

No, I think that you're asserting that the virtual environment is close enough to as capable as the physical environment without spending significant resources that the difference doesn't matter. And I'm having problems with the "without spending significant resources" part, not the "that the difference doesn't matter" part.

All interesting stuff is going to be computational anyway.

So, since the physical world can perform interesting computation automatically without any resources, why are you throwing the computational aspect of the physical world away?

In most cases, computation should be
implementable on universal substrate without too much overhead

How do we get from here to there? Without a provable path, it's all just magical hand-waving to me. (I like it but it's ultimately an unsatifying illusion)

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