> I understand it would be complicated and tedious to describe your 
> information-theoretical argument by yourself, however I'm guessing that 
> others are curious besides Vladimir. I for one would like to understand what 
> your argument entails, and I would be the first one to 
> admit I don't know as much information theory as I would like to. 

> In this case, I think it would help everyone involved if you provided an 
> avenue for others like me to investigate your argument further. Even a 
> handful of links that focus and clarify would be of great assistance. Since 
> you say this is an established article, I would hope there 
> would be freely available resources to explain what it is. So far, I haven't 
> been able to gather enough of what your argument consists of in order to 
> conduct a successful search myself, which is why I'd appreciate your help.

Wow!  Now *that* is an elegantly formulated request.

For things like this, I, like many others, normally start with wikipedia 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_Theory) or scholarpedia 
 when possible (Cool!  Among the articles on Information Theory is scholarpedia 
is one that is curated by Marcus Hutter).

If you go to either place, you'll see that a lot of space is devoted to 
entropy.  It takes resources to run counter to entropy.  I'm arguing that 
Information Theory argues that the resources required for Vladimir's vision is 
*vastly* in excess of what he believes it to be.

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