I am not an expert on neural nets, but from my limited understanding it is
far from clear exactly what the new insight into neural nets referred to in
this article is, other than that timing neuron firings is important in the
brain, which is something multiple people have been saying for years.  


So I fail to understand what is new here, other than a reiteration of the
view that most of the traditional neural net models used in machine learning
are gross simplifications of the neural nets in the brain, particularly with
regard to their simplification of the temporal complexity of brain networks.


Ed Porter


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Tintner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2008 9:02 PM
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Subject: [agi] Flies & Neural Networks


[Someone please explain this to me]:


Language of a fly proves surprising

Insect's sensory data tells a new story about neural networks

LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico, March 10, 2008-A group of researchers has developed
a novel way to view the world through the eyes of a common fly and partially
decode the insect's reactions to changes in the world around it. The
research fundamentally alters earlier beliefs about how neural networks
function and could provide the basis for intelligent computers that mimic
biological processes.

In an article published in the Public Library of Science Computational
Biology Journal, Los Alamos physicist Ilya Nemenman joins Geoffrey Lewen,
William Bialek and Rob de Ruyter van Steveninck of the Hun School of
Princeton, Princeton University and Indiana University, respectively, in
describing the research.

The team used tiny electrodes to tap into motion-sensitive neurons in the
visual system of a common blowfly. Neurons are nerve cells that emit tiny
electric spikes when stimulated. The electrodes detected pulses from the
motion-sensitive neurons in the fly. The fly uses the neurons to estimate,
and subsequently control, how it moves through the world.

The team harnessed the wired fly into an elaborate turntable-like mechanism
that mimics the kind of acrobatic flight a fly might undergo while evading a
predator or chasing another fly. The mechanism can spin extremely fast and
change velocities quickly. A fly in the mechanism sees changes in the world
around it and its motion-sensitive neurons react much in the same way as
they would if the insect were actually flying.

Under complex flight scenarios, the fly's neurons fired very quickly. The
researchers looked at the firing patterns and mapped them with a binary code
of ones and zeroes, much like computer instructions, or binary messages in
digital phone communications.

The team found that the impulses were like a primitive, but very regular
"language"-with the neuron firing at precise times depending on what the
fly's visual sensors were trying to tell the rest of the fly about the
visual stimulus. When they examined this language, it spoke volumes about
how the harnessed fly reacted to its world.

"In this system, the motion-sensitive neurons emit spikes very often and
very precisely," said Nemenman. "Historically, people have observed a lot
more random spike intervals. This research is a departure from the
traditional understanding in that we see that the precision of spike timing
that carries information about the fly's rotation is a factor of ten higher
than even the most daring previous estimates."

Similar-though-much-simpler experiments on different subjects, including
flies, and going back to the seminal work of E. D. Adrian and Yngve
Zotterman in 1926, seemed to show that sensory neurons would fire a certain
number of impulses during a given period, but that the precise timing of the
impulses was largely irrelevant. Nemenman and his team believe the timing of
the spikes was not as crucial during those early experiments largely because
the artificial stimulation was in some sense unnatural, bordering on the
monotonous and predictable.

"Biological organisms have an interest in conserving energy," Nemenman said.
"Fly eyes account for about one-tenth of the fly's energy consumption. The
fly wants to be very efficient, but it costs energy and molecular resources
to emit many precise spikes in the neurons.

"If you are presenting simple stimuli where little changes with time, then
the most efficient way to encode them may be to generate few randomly
positioned spikes, which would be sufficient to convey whatever small
changes, if any, happened. Similarly, if the stimulus is unnaturally fast,
the neurons may not be able to encode it well.

"However, if you put an organism in an environment with fast and naturally
changing velocity profiles, the fly starts using all the bandwidth available
to it," Nemenman said. "The motion-sensitive neuron adjusts its coding
strategy and it uses the precise positioning of the spikes to tell the rest
of the fly exactly what is happening."

In addition to the complex motions possible with the team's apparatus, they
conducted their experiment in a wooded setting similar to the fly's natural
environment, adding to the complexity and realism of the experiment.

Nemenman and his colleagues' research is significant because it re-examines
fundamental assumptions that became the basis of neuromimetic approaches to
artificial intelligence, such as artificial neural networks. These
assumptions have developed networks based on reacting to a number of
impulses within a given time period rather than the precise timing of those

"This may be one of the main reasons why artificial neural networks do not
perform anywhere comparable to a mammalian visual brain," said Nemenman, who
is a member of Los Alamos' Computer, Computational and Statistical Sciences
Division. "In fact, the National Science Foundation has recognized the
importance of this distinction and has recently funded a project, led by
Garrett Kenyon of the Laboratory's Physics Division, to enable creation of
large, next-generation neural networks."

New understanding of neural function in the design of computers could assist
in analyses of satellite images and facial-pattern recognition in
high-security environments, and could help solve other national and global
security problems.


Nemenman's work on this project at Los Alamos is funded by the Laboratory
Directed Research and Development Program, which strategically invests less
than six percent of the institution's annual budget in early exploration or
growth of creative scientific concepts selected at the discretion of the
Laboratory director.

About Los Alamos National Laboratory (www.lanl.gov) 

Los Alamos National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research institution
engaged in strategic science on behalf of national security, is operated by
Los Alamos National Security, LLC, a team composed of Bechtel National, the
University of California, The Babcock & Wilcox Company, and Washington Group
International for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security
Administration. Los Alamos enhances national security by ensuring the safety
and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile, developing technologies to
reduce threats from weapons of mass destruction, and solving problems
related to energy, environment, infrastructure, health, and global security



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