This is v. helpful. It sounds like you're saying that neural networks have
treated what could actually be different kinds of music, with many of the
features of music, such as length of note and rhythm, purely quantitatively
for just, say, the number of beats. In which case we could be missing a lot
more about those signals?
And do neural networks deal with music?
William:So if a train was like this
A) _|_|_|
was thought to be the same as this
B) __||_|
Having the same number of spikes on average.
So people simulating real neural networks (not back prop etc) i.e.
computational neuroscientists the sorts of people working on blue
brain*, used this as the model for there systems.
Now it turns out the spike train is more like a message in a packet
rather than a number, so A and B are different signals and may be
treated differently.
It might also have implications for the computational capacity of the
brain. I think the max bandwidth calculations would have gone up.
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