I see the pattern as much more of the same. You now have Microsoft SQL
Server, Microsoft Internet Information Server, Microsoft Exchange Server and
then you'll have Microsoft Intelligence Server or Microsoft Cognitive
Server. It'll be limited by licenses, resources and features. The cool part
though would be when you can link them together like with Federations in
Microsoft Communications Server. I don't see any of this "all our problems
will be solved" scenario since companies still need to make a buck and the
same old human vices are not going away.


Nanotechnological AGI perhaps with software AGI influence has the potential
to change everything beyond recognition. Plain old software AGI will be
constrained for a while.





From: Bob Mottram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

A more likely scenario is that someone else creates an AGI and then
Microsoft copies it some time later.  But seriously, if someone does manage
to produce a working AGI it's probably game over for software engineering
and software companies as we know them today.

On 24/03/2008, Aki Iskandar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ben - your email scared me.  I thought the evil empire (I can say that since
I worked for them for a few years) achieved *some* level of cognition / AGI
... even the most rudimentary signs of intelligence / learned behavior -
prediction machine.

Whew!  It's not that at all!  I know they are interested in expert systems
for the verticals (for new server product offerings), and in narrow AI for
their current offerings, but I don't have any confirmations on their intent
to create an AGI.  I would imagine it is one of their goals over at MS
Research - but maybe not.  

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