
There is no evidence you are more justified in laughing at my position than
I am in saying your complexity issues do not appear to represent a major
unsolved conceptual issues.

Remember I am not denying complexity issues don't exist.  Instead I am
saying it is not clear they provide a major conceptual problem.  There are
many tools for controlling the dynamic complexity in a Novamente-like
system.  How long it will take to tune and refine them is an issue.  In
WebMind Ben said parameter tuning turned out to be a substantial problem,
particularly because of the slowness of the system on which they were
exploring the parameter space.  So I think it will present an engineering
challenge and require more thought to provide the dynamic control required
for things like efficient inferencing.  But it is not clear such control
issues will present a major conceptual problem.  

And remember I have admitted you might, in fact, be correct, and that
complexity may turn out to present a major conceptual problem --- although I
doubt it. 

So you are treating my viewpoint with much less respect than you are
treating mine and it is far from clear your greater certitude is at all
justified by the evidence. Merely referring to Morton-Thiokol in no way
proves that you like them were right when others were wrong.

Ed Porter

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Loosemore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 11:45 AM
input and responses

Ed Porter wrote:
> ====<ED PORTER= Richard, If you will remember, I actually wrote a post,
> admitting to having to eat my words, at least in part, saying there was
> something to your complex systems analysis viewpoint. >
> </ED PORTER>====

Yes, understood and appreciated.

You know, when I talk about the complex systems issue I feel like an 
engineer from Morton Thiokol who knows about the temperature 
vulnerability of O-rings.  Take a look at this extract from

"In the hours before the fatal launch, engineers from Morton-Thiokol 
warned NASA officials about the potentially dangerous effects of cold 
weather on the solid rocket boosters and particularly the O-rings."
"Reacting to intense pressure to go ahead with the launch, officials at 
the Marshall Space Flight Center took the unusual step of asking 
Morton-Thiokol to *PROVE* that launching the shuttle was unsafe. 
Normally NASA demanded the opposite, i.e. that subcontractors prove a 
system was safe. When the engineers stuck to their position that launch 
conditions were unsafe, Morton-Thiokol management, not wanting to cause 
problems for a high profile customer, overruled them and gave NASA 
approval to launch."

[emphasis added]

I feel like I am at a launch decision meeting, trying to raise my 
concerns.  After I speak there is a moment of embarrassed silence, 
followed by some words from a few people who present a complete 
misunderstanding of what I was talking about.  Then a little more 
silence.  Then "Well, yes, but I think we all agree that this is not 
really a concern.... so, are we all agreed (except for Loosemore) that 
the project is on track for a successful conclusion?"

So when I see you write things like "Below are the most recent 
discussions concerning possible missing conceptual problems that might 
stand between us and AGI.  These comments all relate to important issues 
to be dealt with - but it is not clear any of them represent a major 
conceptual problem for which we have no reasonable potential 
solution...", I just have to laugh.

Richard Loosemore

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