I'm not sure I have ever seen anybody successfully rephrase your complexity argument back at you; since nobody understands what you mean it's not surprising that people are complacent about it.

Bit of an overgeneralization, methinks: this list is disproportionately populated with people who satisfy the conjunctive property [do not understand it] and [do like to chat about AGI]. That is no criticism, but it makes it look like nobody understands it.

I understand what Richard means by his complexity argument and see his point though I believe that it can be worked around if you're aware of it -- the major problem being, as Richard points out, most AGI systems developers don't see it as necessary to work around.

As I have said before, I do get people contacting me offlist (and off-blog, now) who do understand it, but simply do not feel the need to engage in list-chat.

. . . . because many people on this list are more invested in being right then being educated. I think that this argument is a lost cause on this list and generally choose not to wast time on lost causes -- but I'm in an odd mood, so . . . .

If you just randomly slap together systems that have those kinds of mechanisms, there is a tendency for complex, emergent properties to be seen in the system as a whole. Never mind trying to make the system intelligent, you can make emergent properties appear by generating random, garbage-like relationships between the elements of a system.

Emergent is a bad word. People do not understand it. They think that emergent normally means complex, wonderful, and necessarily correct. They are totally incorrect.

But now here is the interesting thing: this observation (about getting complexity/emergence out if you set the system up with ugly, tangled mechanisms) is consistent with the reverse observation: in nature, the science we have studied so far in the last three hundred years has been based on simple mechanisms that (almost always) does not involve ugly, tangled mechanisms.

Nature likes simple. Simple producing complex effects is what nature is all about. Complex producing simple effects is human studpidity and prone to dramatic failure.

Richard tends not to make the point but the most flagrant example of his complexity problem is Ben Goertzel's stories about trying to tune the numerous parameters for his various AI systems. I think that Richard is entirely in the right here but have been unsuccessful in repeated attempts to convince Ben of this. Yes, you *do* need tunable parameters in an AI system -- but they should not be set up in such a way that they can oscillate to chaotic failure.

To cut a long story short, it turns out that the Inference Control Engine is more important than the inference mechanism itself.

   Many people agree with this, but . . .

The actual behavior of the system is governed, not by the principles of perfectly reliable logic, but by a messy, arbitrary inference control engine, and the mechanisms that drive the latter are messy and tangled.

This is where Richard and I part ways. I think that inference is currently messy and arbitrary and tangled because we don't understand it well enough. This may be a great answer to Ed Porter's question of what is conceptually missing from current AGI attempts. I think that inference control will turn out to be relatively simple in design as well -- yet possess tremendously complex effects, just like everything else in nature.

Now, wherever you go in AI, I can tell the same story. A story in which the idealistic AI researchers start out wanting to build a thinking system in which there is not supposed to be any arbitrary mechanism that might give rise to complexity, but where, after a while, some ugly mechanisms start to creep in, until finally the whole thing is actually determined by complexity-inducing mechanisms.

Actually, this is not just a complexity argument. It's really an argument about how many AGI researchers want to start tabula rasa -- but then find that you can't do everything at once. Some researchers then start throwing in assumptions and quick fixes until those things dominate the system while others are smart enough to just reduce the system size and scope.

5. Therefore we have no methods for building thinking machines, since engineering discipline does not address how to build complex devices. Building them as if they are not complex will result in poor behavior; squeezing out the complexity will squeeze out the thinking, and leaving it in makes traditional engineering impossible.

Not a bad summary, but a little oddly worded.

Huh? Why doesn't engineering discipline address building complex devices? Engineering discipline can address everything (just like science) as long as you're willing to open up your eyes and address reality. Richard's arguments are only cogent if an AI researcher is trying to ignore his point. They are *NOT* show-stoppers but merely another complicating issue to be worked around.

I see AI people denying that this could happen, while at the same time they take their systems that are not supposed to have complexity in them, and they make them dependent on mechanisms (for example, inference control mechanisms) that manifestly are sensitive to complex effects. So while they deny that that complexity needs to be talked about, they insert bucketloads of complexity into their systems!

But, instead of acknowledging that this complexity could be unavoidable, and instead of acknowledging that you cannot insert complexity in, and then fiddle with parameters to get it to come out right (that being the ONE thing that we know you cannot do with complexity), they continue to deny that complexity is an issue.

Like I said -- failure to address reality and perfection by parameter fiddling . . . . Richard *is* correct. Y'all just don't see it yet.

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