I apologize for making the criticism that Bob M. had made "the dubious 
assertion of his own superiority," but I really am skeptical of the efficacy of 
these meta-discussion criticisms and you have to wonder what they say about the 
contributors to them.  I really think there is a fine line between making 
constructive criticism and enthusiastically joining the ranks of the cranks, 
and most critics are unable to walk that line.  The simple fact (in my opinion, 
if one can call his own opinion fact) is that everyone in the group makes the 
kind of claims
and/or participates in the rambling discussions of the kind that are being
criticized.  It is important to try your criticisms out on yourself (and on 
your projects) if you sincerely hope to rise above the pettiness and the 
nonsense.  But, that point of view would imply that it is also important to try 
your appreciation of others out on yourself as well.

I can say that there are discussions that I find really interesting and 
discussions that I do not find interesting.  I usually skim over the comments 
that are not very interesting to me. This message is one of those that would 
not be very interesting to me.
Jim Bromer


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