With all this lovely chit-chat about .NET, I have been wondering if anyone
was entertaining the possibility of doing a port of NARS from Java to C#.
Not that I have seriously considered working myself on it, just that before
someone would undertake such an effort it would be beneficial to share
goals. Going from Java to C# is less of a hit than from C++ to C#.





From: Mark Waser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>> Mark, your reception would be warmer if your behavior was less
incessantly abrasive and trollish. 


I can accept abrasive (since I do get frustrated with bad science, etc.) but
believe that trollish is rather unfair . . . .   


>> I think it's a good idea to work on a .NET implementation, and when it's
compatible with the C++ core, you'll have enough specific knowledge about 


As I said, I'd love to run parallel tracks . . . . except that public
opinion seems to be that that would involve too much overhead and dilute the
effort too much.  


But then again, you're head of the project so I guess that your opinion
wins.  If you're interested, I certainly am.


----- Original Message ----- 

From: David Hart <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Derek, you make an excellent point about the OpenCog project appearing too
open-ended and unfocused. Ben is writing documentation for a specific
cognitive architecture, OpenCog Prime, that is intended to address these
concerns. The first iteration of OpenCog Prime is targeted for July and will
be announced on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and

Mark, your reception would be warmer if your behavior was less incessantly
abrasive and trollish. I think it's a good idea to work on a .NET
implementation, and when it's compatible with the C++ core, you'll have
enough specific knowledge about OpenCog to make intelligent conversation
with the OpenCog systems designers, architects and coders (who are busy
working on OpenCog rather than being sucked into trolls on public lists).

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