On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Valentina Poletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree with Pei in that a robot's experience is not necessarily more real
> than that of a, say, web-embedded agent - if anything it is closer to the
> human experience of the world. But who knows how limited our own sensory
> experience is anyhow. Perhaps a better intelligence would comprehend the
> world better through a different emboyment.

Exactly, the "world" to a system is always limited by the system's I/O
channels, and for systems with different I/O channels, their "worlds"
are different in many aspects, but no one is more "real" than the

> However, could you guys be more specific regarding the statistical
> differences of different types of data? What kind of differences are you
> talking about specifically (mathematically)? And what about the differences
> at the various levels of the dual-hierarchy? Has any of your work or
> research suggested this hypothesis, if so which?

It is Ben who suggested the statistical differences and the
dual-hierarchy, while I'm still not convinced about their value.

My own constructive work on this topic can be found in


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