Thank you. The detailed info is appreciated.


On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matt said:
> The overview claims to be able to convert natural language sentences into
> Cycl assertions, and to convert questions to Cycl queries. So I wonder why
> the knowledge base is still not being built this way. And I wonder why there
> is no public demo of the interface, and no papers giving verifiable
> experimental results.
> From my employment at Cycorp, 1999-2006, I can answer your questions, and
> also say why I am pursuing a natural language approach with Texai, extending
> the OpenCyc ontology.   First understand that Doug Lenat is a mathematician,
> not a linguist nor cognitive psychologist.  The Cyc Project began, in the
> 1980's, hand-entering knowledge in a predicate calculus schema that was
> intentionally agnostic with respect to natural languages.  To this day,
> increasingly sophisticated tools have enabled Cycorp's ontologists to more
> precisely and more rapidly enter knowledge and perform queries, than they
> can by relying on rather incomplete and relatively poorly performing English
> language tools.   For example, I witnessed some very long parsing times for
> input sentences over 15 words.  In contrast, new concepts can be defined and
> positioned in the existing ontology using point and click, non-NL screens
> very rapidly if the ontologist is fully prepared with respect to what they
> want to accomplish - for example using the "Create Similar" tool.
> Addressing the public demo, I believe that first Cycorp does not want to
> expend the considerable effort to create and maintain a publicly accessible
> NL interface of high quality, when there are so many other areas of Cyc that
> sponsors are paying for that need attention.   Secondly, I believe that
> because Cyc is proprietary, it precludes a public NL interface that enables
> the proprietary content to be extracted.  Furthermore, the effort required
> to create some reasonable, but small example public partition would be
> prevented by my first observation.
> During my tenure, Cycorp had no fewer than three PhD computational linguists
> continuously employed on NL interfaces.  But I believe their progress has
> been blunted by the need to maintain a large number of legacy parsers, all
> of which have some dead-end (i.e. not cognitively plausible)
> characteristics.  Furthermore, the Cyc NL parsing and NL generation systems
> are at least two completely different bodies of code.  Therefore Cyc is not
> capable of understanding all of what it can say and vice versa.   Moreover,
> Cyc's NL system, similar to its other long-standing code components, is
> quite large, and sadly demanding that the great majority of the developer's
> time is spent maintaining, fixing, migrating, rewriting and tailoring the
> existing code rather than adding new functionality.
> In previous posts here and on my blog, I have described the Texai system as
> an English dialog system to achieve AGI via bootstrapping a small code
> base.  By extending OpenCyc's ontology, and in particular biasing it towards
> the semantics of English language constructions, I hope to avoid some of the
> problems I saw at Cycorp.
> Matt also said:
> It seems to me the main limitation is that the language model has to be
> described formally in Cycl, as a lexicon and rules for parsing and
> disambiguation.t seems to me the main limitation is that the language model
> has to be described formally in Cycl, as a lexicon and rules for parsing and
> disambiguation.
> Agreed.  For the Texai language model, I employ Fluid Construction Grammar
> as the encoding, and Double-R Theory for its grammatical constructs.
> Although I currently hand-write these in an symbolic-expression external
> format, they are serialized into RDF from corresponding Java rule objects,
> and stored in the Texai KB as any other assertion.   My plan is to task the
> dialog system first to interact with its mentors to acquire new vocabulary
> (e.g. mappings from word senses to Cyc concepts, argument mappings to event
> roles, etc.) and new grammar constructions (e.g. "on the table" as a phase
> can have as one of its senses an instance of cyc:Negotiating).
> Those wanting to know more about Cyc should attend my Cyc tutorial at
> AGI-09.    Or you can download OpenCyc whose first release I lobbied for,
> and then created with John DeOliveira while at Cycorp.
> -Steve
> Stephen L. Reed
> Artificial Intelligence Researcher
> 3008 Oak Crest Ave.
> Austin, Texas, USA 78704
> 512.791.7860
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 8:38:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [agi] universal logical form for natural language
> --- On Sun, 9/28/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>FYI, Cyc has a natural language front end and a lot of folks have been
>> >working on it for the last 5+ years...
> It still needs work. I found this undated (2004 or later) white paper which
> is apparently not linked from
> And also this overview.
> The overview claims to be able to convert natural language sentences into
> Cycl assertions, and to convert questions to Cycl queries. So I wonder why
> the knowledge base is still not being built this way. And I wonder why there
> is no public demo of the interface, and no papers giving verifiable
> experimental results.
> It seems to me the main limitation is that the language model has to be
> described formally in Cycl, as a lexicon and rules for parsing and
> disambiguation. There seems to be no mechanism for learning natural language
> by example. For example, if Cyc receives a sentence it cannot parse, or is
> ambiguous, or has a word not in its vocabulary or used in a different way,
> then there is no mechanism to update the model, which is something humans
> easily do. Given the complexity of English, I think this is a serious
> limitation with no easy solution.
> -- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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