As I recall Tomassello's "Constructing a Language" deals with all the phases
of grammar learning including complex recursive phrase structure grammar...

But it doesn't trace language learning from the teens into the twenties,

>From a psychological point of view, that is an interesting topic, and I'd
bet you a lot of money that there are loads of research papers on it (you
are always quick to assume a topic has never been studied by anyone, but
nearly always it has been, though maybe using different terminology than
you're used to...).

However, from an **AGI** perspective, I think that making an AGI that can
converse in English at the level of an average human 5 year old is the hard
part.  If we can get there, then getting our AGIs to the level of more
advanced humans will be relatively easy....

So I don't see the topic you mention as critical to AGI ...

-- Ben G

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 9:52 PM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Ben,
> Er, you seem to be confirming my point. Tomasello from Wiki is an early
> child development psychologist. I want a model that keeps going to show the
> stages of language acquistion from say 7-13, on through teens, and into the
> twenties - that shows at what stages we understand progressively general and
> abstract concepts like, say, government, philosophy, relationships,  etc
> etc. - and why different, corresponding texts are only understandable at
> different ages.
> There is nothing like this because there is no true *embedded* cognitive
> science that looks at how long it takes to build up a picture of the world,
> and how language is embedded in our knowledge of the world. [The only thing
> that comes at all close to it, that I know, is Margaret Donaldson's work, if
> I remember right].
> Re  rhetorical structure theory - many thanks for the intro - & it looks
> interesting. But again this is not an embedded approach:
> "RST is intended to describe texts, rather than the processes of creating
> or reading and understanding them"
> For example, to understand sentences they quote like
> "He tends to be viewed now as a biologist, but in his 5 years on the Beagle
> his main work was geology, and he saw himself as a geologist. His work
> contributed significantly to the field."
> requires a considerable amount of underlying knowledge about Darwin's life,
> and an extraordinary ability to handle timelines - and place
> events/sentences in time.
> I can confidently bet that no one is attempting this type of
> text/structural analysis because no one, as I said, is taking an embedded
> approach to language. [Embedded is to embodied in the analysis of language
> use and thought as environment is to nature in the analysis of behaviour
> generally].
> Ben,
>>  Cognitive linguistics also lacks a true deveopmental model of language
>> acquisition that goes beyond the first few years of life, and can embrace
>> all those several - and, I'm quite sure, absolutely necessary - stages of
>> mastering language and building a world picture.
> Tomassello's theory of language acquisition specifically embraces the
> phenomena you describe.  What don't you like about it?
> ben
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first
overcome "  - Dr Samuel Johnson

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