2008/9/29 Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ben gave the following examples that demonstrate the ambiguity of the
> preposition "with":
> People eat food with forks
> People eat food with friend[s]
> People eat food with ketchup


>  how Texai would process Ben's examples.  According to Wiktionary,
> "with" has among its word senses the following:
> as an instrument; by means of
> in the company of; alongside; along side of; close to; near to
> in addition to, as an accessory to

FYI, I am currently pursuing a similar strategy; I'm planning
on collecting a large database of statistics associating
word senses (taken from word-net) with link-grammar
linkage rules; I except to be able to automatically data-mine
a number of associations and relationships.  In this way,
I hope to tag the dictionary with finer-grained parse rules.

(I suspect prepositions will remain difficult, but I've not
yet begun this experiment.)


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