I also don't understand whether A(n,d,w) is the number of sets where the
> hamming distance is exactly d (as it would seem from the text of
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant-weight_code ), or whether it is the
> number of set where the hamming distance is d or less.  If the former case
> is true then the lower bounds given in the tables would actually be lower
> than the actual lower bounds for the question I asked, which would
> correspond to all cases where the hamming distance is d or less.

The case where the Hamming distance is d or less corresponds to a
bounded-weight code rather than a constant-weight code.

I already forwarded you a link to a paper on bounded-weight codes, which are
also combinatorially intractable and have been studied only via
computational analysis.

-- Ben G

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