(I agree with the points I don't quote here)

General reiteration on notation: O-1 is the maximum allowed overlap,
overlap of O is already not allowed (it was this way in your first

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 3:08 AM, Ed Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> T(N,S,O) = SUM FROM X = 0 TO S-O OF C(S, S-X)*C(N-S, X)

To match with the explanation of the size of the overlap, I intended
T(N,S,O)= C(S,S)*C(N-S,S-S)+ C(S,S-1)*C(N-S,S-(S-1))+ ...+C(S,O)*C(N-S,S-O)
to be parsed as

> Comparing this to C(S,X)*C(N-S,S-X) --- it appears that T(N,S,O) is equal to
> the number of all combinations calculated by C(S,X)*C(N-S,S-X) where X is
> greater than O, Thus it is an attempt to enumerate all such combinations in
> which the overlap is more than O and thus which should be excluded from A.

I don't exclude them from A, as I don't know which of them will go to
A and which will get banned multiple times. I exclude them from
overall pool of C(N,S).

> --First, yes, each new assembly of length S added to the working set lowers
> the number of remaining assemblies that we'll be able to add later, but
> adding a given new assembly will ban not T(N,S,O) assemblies, but rather
> only all those assemblies that overlap with it by more than O nodes.

But T(N,S,O) IS the number of all those assemblies that overlap with a
given assembly by O or more nodes (having from X=O to X=S nodes of

> --Second, what are the cases where assemblies will be banned multiple times
> that you mentioned in the above text?

It's one of the reasons it's a lower bound: in reality, some of the
assemblies are banned multiple times, which leaves more free
assemblies that could be added to the working set later.

> --Third --- as mentioned in my last group of comments --- why doesn't A =
> C(N,S) – T(N,S,O), since C(N,S) is the total number of combinations of
> length S that can be formed from N nodes, and T(N,S,O) appears to enumerate
> all the combinations that occur with each possible overlap value greater O.

It's only overlap with one given assembly, blind to any other
interactions, it says nothing about ideal combination of assemblies
that manages to keep the overlap between each pair in check.

> --Fifth, is possible that even though T(N,S,O) appears to enumerate all
> possible combinations in which all sets overlap by more than O, that it
> fails to take into account possible combinations of sets of size S in which
> some sets overlap by more than O and others do not?
> --in which case T(N,S,O) would be smaller than the number of all prohibited
> combinations of sets of length S.  Or would all the possible sets of length
> S which overlap be have been properly taken into account in the above
> formula for T?

T doesn't reason about combinations of sets, it's a filter on the
individual sets from the total of C(N,S).

> --Sixth, if C(S,X)*C(N-S,S-X) enumerates all possible combinations having an
> overlap of X, why can't one calculate A as follows?
> A = SUM FROM X = 0 TO O OF C(S,X)*C(N-S,S-X)

Because some of these sets intersect with each other, you can't
include them all.

Vladimir Nesov

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