On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Current AIs learn chess without engaging in social activities ;-).
> And chess might be a good drosophila for AI, if it's treated as such (
> http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/chess.html ).
> This was uncalled for.

No, they don't.

How to evaluate the board position is programmed into them.  How to
prune the search space is programmed into them.

Current chess playing programs don't learn how to play chess at all.

I learnt to play chess.. initially from my Dad, subsequently from my
peers, and with some many hours of study of the literature.

Dr. Matthias Heger wrote:
>If you give the system the rules of chess then it has all which is necessary
>to know to become a good chess player.
>It may play against itself or against a common chess program or against

Giving it the rules is a social activity.. playing against it is a
social activity.

If *you* could learn to play chess from a list of rules written in a
language you don't understand (cause if you understand it, then that
too is a social activity) then I wouldn't consider you "intelligent",
I'd consider you a freakin' genius who has achieved the impossible.

As I said, this is a nonsensical suggestion.  Chess is a *game* and
either game playing algorithms are hard coded to play well or you need
to teach them to play well.  *Maybe* you could teach a child how to
play chess by slapping them whenever they make an incorrect move but
this would just be cruel.  Language is how we convey to beginners the
rules and the common tactics and strategies of the game.


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