--- On Wed, 11/12/08, Harry Chesley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matt Mahoney wrote:
> > If you don't define consciousness in terms of an objective test, then
> > you can say anything you want about it.
> We don't entirely disagree about that. An objective test is absolutely
> crucial. I believe where we disagree is that I expect there to be such a
> test one day, while you claim there can never be.

It depends on the definition. The problem with the current definition (what 
most people think it means) is that it leads to logical inconsistencies. I 
believe I have a consciousness, a little person inside my head that experiences 
things and makes decisions. I also believe that my belief is false, that my 
brain would do exactly the same thing without this little person. I know these 
two views are inconsistent. I just accept that they are and leave it at that.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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