--- On Tue, 11/11/08, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matt Mahoney wrote:
> > --- On Tue, 11/11/08, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> Your 'belief' explanation is a cop-out because it does not address
> >> any of the issues that need to be addressed for something to count
> >> as a definition or an explanation of the facts that need to be
> >> explained.
> > 
> > As I explained, animals that have no concept of death have
> > nevertheless evolved to fear most of the things that can kill them.
> > Humans have learned to associate these things with death, and
> > invented the concept of consciousness as the large set of features
> > which distinguishes living humans from dead humans. Thus, humans fear
> > the loss or destruction of consciousness, which is equivalent to
> > death.
> > 
> > Consciousness, free will, qualia, and good and bad are universal
> > human beliefs. We should not confuse them with truth by asking the
> > wrong questions. Thus, Turing sidestepped the question of "can
> > machines think?" by asking instead "can machines appear to think"?
> > Since we can't (by definition) distinguish doing something from
> > appearing to do something, it makes no sense for us to make this
> > distinction.
> The above two paragraphs STILL do not address any of the
> issues that need to be addressed for something to count as a
> definition, or an explanation of the facts that need to be
> explained.

And you STILL have not defined what consciousness is.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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