--- On Sat, 11/15/08, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > This is equivalent to your prediction #2 where connecting the output
> > of neurons that respond to the sound of a cello to the input of
> > neurons that respond to red would cause a cello to sound red. We
> > should expect the effect to be temporary.
> > 
> > I'm not sure how this demonstrates consciousness. How do you test
> > that the subject actually experiences redness at the sound of a
> > cello, rather than just behaving as if experiencing redness, for
> > example, claiming to hear red?
> You misunderstand the experiment in a very intersting way!
> This experiment has to be done on the *skeptic* herself!
> The prediction is that if *you* get your brain rewired,
> *you* will experience this.

How do you know what I experience, as opposed to what I claim to experience?

That is exactly the question you started with, so you haven't gotten anywhere. 
I don't need proof that I experience things. I already have that belief 
programmed into my brain.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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