On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 7:56 PM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And btw, the notion that control is a key concept in the brain goes
> back at least to Norbert Wiener's book Cybernetics from the 1930's !!
> ... Principia Cybernetica has a simple but clear webpage on the
> control concept in cybernetics...
> http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/CONTROL.html

I don't like that definition for basically the same reason, but it
maybe explains where Asim Roy comes from. At least they are not
literally insisting on control being a property of the system itself,
according to this remark:

"Of course, two systems can be in a state of mutual control, but this
will be a different, more complex, relation, which we will still
describe as a combination of two asymmetric control relations."

Controller-controlled relation is a model assigned to the system, not
an intrinsic property of the system itself. Also, there is no "may" or
"could" apart from semantics of search algorithm, which is a thing to
keep in mind when making claims like the following, about "freedom" of
controller, and especially when trying to use this notion of "freedom"
to establish asymmetry:

"The controller C may change the state of the controlled system S in
any way, including the destruction of S."

Vladimir Nesov

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