On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote:
> I skimmed over the paper at
> http://wpcarey.asu.edu/pubs/index.cfm
> and I have to say I agree with the skeptics.
> I don't doubt that this guy has made significant contributions in
> other areas of science and engineering, but this paper displeases me a
> great deal, due to making big claims of originality for ideas that are
> actually very old hat, and bolstering these claims via attacking a
> "straw man" of simplistic connectionism.
> Double thumbs down: not for wrongheadedness, but for excessive claims
> of originality plus egregious straw man arguments...

So, basically, you don't disagree with his paper tooooo much.
You just don't like his attitude.    ;)

Danged AI researchers that think they know it all!   ;)

You don't think you could call it excessive PR where he is trying to
dislodge an entrenched view?


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