> When I was in college and LSD was the rage, one of the main goals of the
> heavy duty heads was "ego loss" which was to achieve a sense of cosmic
> oneness with all of the universe.  It was commonly stated that 1000
> micrograms was the ticket to "ego loss."  I never went there.  Nor have I
> ever achieved cosmic oneness through meditation, although I have achieved
> temporary (say fifteen or thirty seconds) feeling of deep peaceful bliss.
> Perhaps you have been more brave (acid wise) or much lucky or disciplined
> meditation wise, and have achieve a seen of oneness with the cosmic
> consciousness.  If so, I tip my hat (and Colbert wag of the finger) to you.

Not a great topic for public mailing list discussion but ... uh ... yah ...

But it's not really so much about the dosage ... entheogens are tools
and it's all about what you do with them ;-)


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