Hey, ego loss is attendant with even modest doses of LSD or
psilocybin. At ~ 700 mics I found that effect to be very much

On 11/21/08, Ed Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ben,
> "Entheogens!"
> What a great word/euphemism.
> Is it pronounced like "Inns" (where travelers sleep) + "Theo" (short for
> "Theodore") + "gins"(a subset of liquors I normally avoid like the plague,
> except in the occasional summer gin and tonic with lime)?
> What is the respective emphasis given to each of these three parts in the
> proper pronunciations.
> It is a word that would be deeply appreciated by many at my local Unitarian
> Church.
> Ed Porter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Goertzel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 7:11 PM
> To: agi@v2.listbox.com
> Subject: Re: [agi] A paper that actually does solve the problem of
> consciousness
>> When I was in college and LSD was the rage, one of the main goals of the
>> heavy duty heads was "ego loss" which was to achieve a sense of cosmic
>> oneness with all of the universe.  It was commonly stated that 1000
>> micrograms was the ticket to "ego loss."  I never went there.  Nor have I
>> ever achieved cosmic oneness through meditation, although I have achieved
>> temporary (say fifteen or thirty seconds) feeling of deep peaceful bliss.
>> Perhaps you have been more brave (acid wise) or much lucky or disciplined
>> meditation wise, and have achieve a seen of oneness with the cosmic
>> consciousness.  If so, I tip my hat (and Colbert wag of the finger) to
> you.
> Not a great topic for public mailing list discussion but ... uh ... yah ..
> But it's not really so much about the dosage ... entheogens are tools
> and it's all about what you do with them ;-)
> ben
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