On Dec 26, 2008, at 2:17 PM, Philip Hunt wrote:
I'm not dismissive of it either -- once you have algorithms that can
be practically realised, then it's possible for progress to be made.

But I don't think that a small number of clever algorithms will in
itself create intelligence -- if that was possible then the secret to
AI would have been discovered by now. I think some people get seduced
by the beauty and clarity of maths and want to make their programs
like that, but I don't think human intelligence is like that.

Never mind discovering "a small number of clever algorithms" for AI, we have not even discovered a great many basic algorithms for routine computer science.

I think many people greatly underestimate how many gaping algorithm holes there are in computer science for even the most important and mundane tasks. The algorithm coverage of computer science is woefully incomplete, which is why after a half century people are *still* finding general, elegant algorithms for basic problems, many of which are bloody obvious in hindsight. In short, we have no idea what important and fundamental algorithms will be discovered from one year to the next that change the boundaries of what is practically possible with computer science.

For example, there is no general indexing algorithm described in computer science. In fact, the only useful indexing algorithm index points on a line. Not points in arbitrary space, not intervals on lines, not hyper-rectangles in high-dimensionality space, never mind more complex relations. Oddly enough, most computer scientists are ignorant of the fact that no useful indexing algorithm exists for most data representations or that a vast number of software applications are not tractably implementable as a result.

The ability to tractably index almost nothing has consequences. Relational database theory describes the manipulation of hyper- rectangles, but we fake it very badly with indexes we actually have algorithms for. Did you ever wonder why no one has built a massively distributed SQL database despite the obvious value? It is not because it is theoretically impossible, but because it is only possible if someone discovers a general algorithm for indexing hyper-rectangles -- faking it is not distributable. Several other big limitations in software are actually based in (the absence of) this algorithm. It is utterly trivial to describe, and there are literally several dozen algorithms that come close, but after 40 years no one has published such an algorithm. When such an algorithm is finally published, it will completely reset everything we think we know about many algorithms and data structures.

There is a really large laundry list of undiscovered fundamental algorithms like this that we work around with mediocre alternatives. If you look at most of the limits of software, the vast majority are not theoretical limits but limits based on the fact that there a lot of missing pages in our data structures and algorithm texts.

Spatial indexing, for example, currently uses "insanely, infeasibly much computation resource", so no one implements it beyond uselessly trivial systems. But as most people familiar with the minutiae of the related theoretical computer science will tell you, not only is it very probable that a broadly general algorithm exists, but it will almost certainly scale like Google does. We will go from "intractable" to "insanely cheap" in one day.

The algorithms around the AIT definition of intelligence look very much like a similar case, a very sparsely studied algorithm space with some rather obvious gaping holes when it comes to the kinds of algorithms that very likely should exist in that space. It would seem premature to write it off solely on the basis of the negligible computer science that has thus far been done in that algorithm space.

An AGI written by humans would hopefully be a lot more nicely
structured than this, but I think it would still consist of large
number of modules, none of which was intelligent in itself. How big
would it be? The human genome is 750 MB so intelligence could
presumably be coded in less than that. I'd guess an AGI could be
written in about a tenth that, say 75 MB.

The human genome size has no meaningful relationship to the complexity of coding AGI.

And what ever happened to Machine is Software is Data? Ignoring this seems to be a frequent enabler of specious reasoning.


J. Andrew Rogers

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