> From: Matt Mahoney [mailto:matmaho...@yahoo.com]
> --- On Sat, 12/27/08, John G. Rose <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:
> > > > How does consciousness fit into your compression
> > > > intelligence modeling?
> > >
> > > It doesn't. Why is consciousness important?
> > >
> >
> > I was just prodding you on this. Many people on this list talk about
> the
> > requirements of consciousness for AGI and I was imagining some sort
> of
> > consciousness in one of your command line compressors :)
> > I've yet to grasp
> > the relationship between intelligence and consciousness though lately
> I
> > think consciousness may be more of an evolutionary social thing. Home
> grown
> > digital intelligence, since it is a loner, may not require "much"
> > consciousness IMO..
> What we commonly call consciousness is a large collection of features
> that distinguish living human brains from dead human brains: ability to
> think, communicate, perceive, make decisions, learn, move, talk, see,
> etc. We only attach significance to it because we evolved, like all
> animals, to fear a large set of things that can kill us.

Well I think consciousness must be some sort of out of band intelligence
that bolsters an entity in terms of survival. Intelligence probably
stratifies or optimizes in zonal regions of similar environmental
complexity, consciousness being one or an overriding out-of-band one...

> I was hoping to discover an elegant theory for AI. It didn't quite work
> that way. It seems to be a kind of genetic algorithm: make random
> changes to the code and keep the ones that improve compression.

Is this true for most data? For example would PI digit compression attempts
result in genetic emergences the same as say compressing environmental
noise? I'm just speculating that genetically originated data would require
compression avenues of similar algorithmic complexity descriptors, for
example PI digit data does not originate genetically so compression attempts
would not show genetic emergences as "chained" as say environmental
noise.... basically I'm asking if you can tell the difference from data that
has a genetic origination ingredient verses all non-genetic...


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