--- On Fri, 12/26/08, John G. Rose <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:

> Human memory storage may be lossy compression and recall may be
> decompression. Some very rare individuals remember every
> day of their life
> in vivid detail, not sure what that means in terms of
> memory storage.

Human perception is a form of lossy compression which has nothing to do with 
the lossless compression that I use to measure prediction accuracy. Many 
lossless compressors use lossy filters too. A simple example is an order-n 
context where we discard everything except the last n symbols.

> How does consciousness fit into your compression
> intelligence modeling?

It doesn't. Why is consciousness important?

> Max compression implies hacks, kludges and a large decompressor. 

As I discovered with the large text benchmark.

-- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

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