--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org> wrote:
>if proving Fermat's Last theorem was just a matter of doing math, it would 
>have been done 150 years ago ;-p
>obviously, all hard problems that can be solved have already been solved...

In theory, FLT could be solved by brute force enumeration of proofs until a 
match to Wiles' is found. In theory, AGI could be solved by coding all the 
knowledge in LISP. The difference is that 50 years ago people actually expected 
the latter to work. Some people still believe so.

AGI is an engineering and policy problem. We already have small scale neural 
models of learning, language, vision, and motor control. We currently lack the 
computing power (10^16 OPS, 10^15 bits) to implement these at human levels, but 
Moore's law will take care of that.

But that is not the hard part of the problem. AGI is a system that eliminates 
our need to work, to think, and to function in the real world. Its value is USD 
10^15, the value of the global economy. Once we have the hardware, we still 
need to extract 10^18 bits of knowledge from human brains. That is the 
complexity of the global economy (assuming 10^10 people x 10^9 bits per person 
x 0.1 fraction consisting of unique job skills). This is far bigger than the 
internet. The only way to extract this knowledge without new technology like 
brain scanning is by communication at the rate of 2 bits per second per person. 
The cheapest option is a system of pervasive surveillance where everything you 
say and do is public knowledge.

AGI is too expensive for any person or group to build or own. It is a vastly 
improved internet, a communication system so efficient that the world's 
population starts to look like a single entity, and nobody notices or cares as 
silicon gradually replaces carbon.

-- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

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