--- On Thu, 1/8/09, Mike Tintner <tint...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> What then do you see as the way people *do* think? You
> surprise me, Matt, because both the details of your answer
> here and your thinking generally strike me as *very*
> logicomathematical - with lots of emphasis on numbers and
> compression - yet you seem to be acknowledging here, like
> Jim,  the fundamental deficiencies of the logicomathematical
> form - and it is indeed only one form - of thinking. 

Pattern recognition in parallel, and hierarchical learning of increasingly 
complex patterns by classical conditioning (association), clustering in context 
space (feature creation), and reinforcement learning to meet evolved goals.

You can't write a first order logic expression that inputs a picture and tells 
you whether it is a cat or a dog. Yet any child can do it. Logic is great for 
abstract mathematics. We regard it as the highest form of thought, the hardest 
thing that humans can learn, yet it is the easiest problem to solve on a 

-- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

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