I accidentally pressed something and it sent it early... this is a finished


Using the image itself as a template to match is possible. In fact it has
been done before. But it suffers from several problems that would also need

1) Images are 2D. I assume you are also referring to 2D outlines. Real
objects are 3D. So, you're going to have to infer the shape of the object...
which means you are no longer actually transforming the image itself. You
are transforming a model of the image, which would have points, curves,
dimensions, etc. Basically, a mathematical shape :) No matter how much you
disapprove of encoding info, sometimes it makes sense to do it.
2) Creating the first outline and figuring out what to outline is not
trivial at all. So, this method can only be used after you can do that.
There is a lot more uncertainty involved here than you seem to realize.
First, how do you even determine the outline? That is an unsolved problem.
So, not only will you have to try many transformations with the right
outline, you have to try many with wrong outlines, increase the
possibilities (exponentially?). It looks like you need a way to score
possibilities and decide which ones to try.
3) "rock" is a word and words are always learned by induction along with
other types of reasoning before we can even consider it a type of object.
So, you are starting with a somewhat unrepresentative or artificial problem.

4) Even the same rock can look very different from different perspectives.
In fact, how do you even match the same rock? Please describe how your
system would do this. It is not trivial at all. And you will soon see that
there is an extremely large amount of uncertainty. Dealing with this type of
uncertainty is the central problem of AGI. The central problem is not fluid
schemas.Even if I used this method, I would be stuck with the same exact
uncertainty problems. So, you're not going to get passed them like this. The
same research on explanatory and non-monotonic type reasoning must still be
5) what is a fluid transform? You can't just throw out words. Please define
it. You are going to realize that your representation is pretty much
geometric anyway. Regardless, it will likely be equivalent. Are you going to
try every possible transformation? Nope. That would be impossible. So, how
do you decide what transformations to try? When is a transformation too
large of a change to consider it the same rock? When is it too large to
consider it a different rock?
6) Are you seriously going to "transform" every object you've every tried to
outline? This is going to be prohibitively costly in terms of processing.
Especially because you haven't defined how you're going to decide what to
transform and what not to. So, before you can even use this algorithm,
you're going to have to use something else to decide what is a possible
candidate and what is not.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 6:42 PM, Mike Tintner <tint...@blueyonder.co.uk>wrote:
>  Now let's see **you** answer a question. Tell me how any
> algorithmic/mathematical approach of any kind actual or in pure principle
> can be applied to recognize "raindrops falling down a pane" - and to
> "predict" their movement?

Like I've said many times before, we can't predict everything, and we
certainly shouldn't try. But  we should "expect" what might happen.
Raindrops are probably recognized as an unexpected distortion when it occurs
on a window. When its not on a window, it is still a sort of distortion of
brightness and just a small object with different contrast. You're right
that geometric definitions are not the right way to recognize that. It would
have to use a different method to remember the features/properties of
raindrops and how they appeared, such as the contrast, size, quantity,
location, context, etc.

> http://www.pond5.com/stock-footage/263778/beautiful-rain-drops.html
> or to recognize a "rock"?

A specific rock could be recognized with geometric definitions. Texture is
certainly important, size, context (very important), etc. If we are talking
about the category rock, that's different than the instance of a rock. The
category of a rock probably needs a description of the types of properties
that rocks have, such as the types of curves, texture, sizes, interactions,
behavior, etc. Exactly how you do it, I haven't decided. I'm not at that
point yet.

> http://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/IMG/LPR/adams.jpg
> or a [filled] shopping bag?

same as the rock.

> http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/200801/r215609_837743.jpg
> http://www.sustainableisgood.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/03/29/shoppingbags.jpg
> http://thegogreenblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/plastic_shopping_bag.jpg
> or if you want a real killer, google some vid clips of amoebas in oozing
> motion?


> PS In every case, I suggest, the brain observes different principles of
> transformation - for the most part unconsciously. And they can be of various
> kinds not just direct natural transformations, of course. It's possible, it
> occurs to me, that the principle that applies to rocks might just be
> something like "whatever can be carved out of stone"

it doesn't necessarily focus on the object itself. it may be focusing on the
context, behavior of the object, its obvious properties such as rigidity,
texture, size, etc,  There are many ways to do this. it doesn't necessarily
transform everything. In fact, I think transformations would be
prohibitively costly in terms of processing unless it is only transforming
instances that are very short amounts of time apart and the changes are

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