David Jones wrote:
> But, I am amazed at how difficult it is to quantitatively define more 
>predictive and simpler for specific problems. 

It isn't hard. To measure predictiveness, you assign a probability to each 
possible outcome. If the actual outcome has probability p, you score a penalty 
of log(1/p) bits. To measure simplicity, use the compressed size of the code 
your prediction algorithm. Then add the two scores together. That's how it is 
done in the Calgary challenge http://www.mailcom.com/challenge/ and in my own 
text compression benchmark.

 -- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

From: David Jones <davidher...@gmail.com>
To: agi <agi@v2.listbox.com>
Sent: Thu, July 22, 2010 3:11:46 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] Re: Huge Progress on the Core of AGI

Because simpler is not better if it is less predictive.

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Abram Demski <abramdem...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Why more predictive *and then* simpler?
>On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:49 AM, David Jones <davidher...@gmail.com> wrote:
>An Update....
>>I think the following gets to the heart of general AI and what it takes to  
>>achieve it. It also provides us with evidence as to why general AI is so 
>>difficult. With this new knowledge in mind, I think I will be much more 
>>now  of solving the problems and making it work. 
>>I've come to the conclusion lately that the best hypothesis is better because 
>>is more predictive and then simpler than other hypotheses (in that order.... 
>>more predictive... then simpler). But, I am amazed at how difficult it is to 
>>quantitatively define more predictive and simpler for specific problems. This 
>>why I have sometimes doubted the truth of the statement.
>>In addition, the observations that the AI gets are not representative of all 
>>observations! This means that if your measure of "predictiveness" depends on 
>>number of certain observations, it could make mistakes! So, the specific 
>>observations you are aware of may be unrepresentative of the predictiveness 
>>of a 
>>hypothesis relative to the truth. If you try to calculate which hypothesis is 
>>more predictive and you don't have the critical observations that would give 
>>the right answer, you may get the wrong answer! This all depends of course on 
>>your method of calculation, which is quite elusive to define. 
>>Visual input from screenshots, for example, can be somewhat malicious. Things 
>>can move, appear, disappear or occlude each other suddenly. So, without 
>>sufficient knowledge it is hard to decide whether matches you find between 
>>large changes are because it is the same object or a different object. This 
>>indicate that bias and preprogrammed experience should be introduced to the 
>>before training. Either that or the training inputs should be carefully 
>>to avoid malicious input and to make them nice for learning. 
>>This is the "correspondence problem" that is typical of computer vision and 
>>never been properly solved. Such malicious input also makes it difficult to 
>>learn automatically because the AI doesn't have sufficient experience to know 
>>which changes or transformations are acceptable and which are not. It is 
>>immediately bombarded with malicious inputs.
>>I've also realized that if a hypothesis is more "explanatory", it may be 
>>But quantitatively defining explanatory is also elusive and truly depends on 
>>specific problems you are applying it to because it is a heuristic. It is not 
>>true measure of correctness. It is not loyal to the truth. "More explanatory" 
>>really a heuristic that helps us find hypothesis that are more predictive. 
>>true measure of whether a hypothesis is better is simply the most accurate 
>>predictive hypothesis. That is the ultimate and true measure of correctness.
>>Also, since we can't measure every possible prediction or every last 
>>(and we certainly can't predict everything), our measure of predictiveness 
>>possibly be right all the time! We have no choice but to use a heuristic of 
>>So, its clear to me that the right hypothesis is "more predictive and then 
>>simpler". But, it is also clear that there will never be a single measure of 
>>this that can be applied to all problems. I hope to eventually find a nice 
>>for how to apply it to different problems though. This may be the reason that 
>>many people have tried and failed to develop general AI. Yes, there is a 
>>solution. But there is no silver bullet that can be applied to all problems. 
>>Some methods are better than others. But I think another major reason of the 
>>failures is that people think they can predict things without sufficient 
>>information. By approaching the problem this way, we compound the need for 
>>heuristics and the errors they produce because we simply don't have 
>>information to make a good decision with limited evidence. If approached 
>>correctly, the right solution would solve many more problems with the same 
>>efforts than a poor solution would. It would also eliminate some of the 
>>difficulties we currently face if sufficient data is available to learn from.
>>In addition to all this theory about better hypotheses, you have to add on 
>>need to solve problems in reasonable time. This also compounds the difficulty 
>>the problem and the complexity of solutions.
>>I am always fascinated by the extraordinary difficulty and complexity of this 
>>problem. The more I learn about it, the more I appreciate it.
>>agi | Archives  | Modify Your Subscription  
>Abram Demski
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